Call for participation: research projects, 2003 ­ 2004

For the 2003 - 2004 program year, RIDE and LR/RI, in response to funding cuts and in contemplation of broadening understandings of and participation in various research approaches, have suspended the usual program of practitioner inquiry projects. In its place, we are exploring a range of research approaches, including study circles, reading groups, survey methodologies as well as an ongoing examination of educational research generally, and its implications.

Projects funded for this program year will generally be smaller in scope and more narrow in focus, but will create opportunities for practitioners to gather to ask questions about issues relating to classroom practice, standards and curricula, technology and other areas relevant to adult teaching and learning.

The research discussion/share group will meet monthly between now and June, 2004 (with the next meeting scheduled for November 25th, at 2:00 pm at the Genesis Center. Those meetings will be used for participants to share progress and information, and also for presentations about various research trends and reports. It is anticipated that project participants will share their findings in the late spring and will produce written documentation of their work, to be posted on the LR/RI website (

A number of small projects (honoraria are estimated at approximately $400) will be funded. In order to apply for project funding, please submit a brief description (no more than two pages) addressing these questions:

What topic / area do you want to explore?

What approach(es) are you considering, and why? (e.g. literature review, study circle, survey, reading group)

What resources and materials do you have access to and what might you need? (e.g. internet access, particular texts, articles)

What do you hope to gain from the information youšll gather and from the research process itself? What are the purposes of the research you propose? .

Participants are expected to attend monthly meetings of the research sharing group and are encouraged to use email, phone and face to face meetings to develop and discuss their projects. Participants are also expected to form and meet with their particular groups, report ongoing progress during the monthly meetings and submit a final written report in June, 2004.

The adult education community is welcome to attend all meetings of the research share group, regardless of their participation in these particular projects. Our intention is to broaden our understandings of educational research generally, and to address issues pertinent to our teaching practice as well. Please send responses to by November 20th. .

For more information, please contact Janet Isserlis at 863-2839, or email LR/RI

page created October 3, 2003

updated November 3, 2003

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